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Enjoy our February 2 Family Communion service online!

Updated: 6 days ago

  • Preacher: Kate VanDerzee-Glidden, Senior Pastor

  • Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Angela Salcedo

  • Music: 8:00 am Stanley Battle, Baritone; 10:00 am Cherub + Chancel Choirs; Peggy Hartman, Oboe and Cherub Choir Director

    Our February 2, 2025 worship service on YouTube

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Dear Friends,

Several years ago our church theme was “Moving Forward with Vision, Hope, Endurance and Love!” We repeated these words often, and we even came up with hand motions for each of the words. 😊 Over the last couple of weeks, I keep thinking of these words.

We need to hold fast to our vision of a world where violence, hatred and injustice fade away and where hope, compassion and justice rule the day.

We need to have hope that what we do matters and that our beloved community makes the world a better place.

We need to have endurance. The world is a troubling place, and it will take strength and persistence to make sure that love has the final word.

Let’s come together on Sunday to worship and then go out into the world proclaiming God’s justice and love near and far. This Sunday we will gather at 8:00 a.m. in the Micah Chapel, 10:00 a.m. in the Meetinghouse and online. It is Family Communion Sunday, and our children will join us for the sacrament of Communion. Stanley Battle will share his voice with us at our early service, and at the 10:00 a.m. service, we will have special music from the Cherub and Chancel Choirs.

The bulletin, large print bulletin and announcement slides are available on our website. You can watch any of our livestreamed or recorded services on our YouTube channel.

St. Teresa of Avila once wrote, “Christ has no body but ours. No hands, no feet on earth but ours. Ours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Ours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Ours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.”

In our divisive, uncertain and challenging world, it is our job to be Christ’s hands, feet, eyes and ears. Together, individually and as a church community, let us continue to move forward with vision, hope, endurance and love.

Peace and love,


Our First Church family of faith enjoys worshipping together, and we hope you will join us! On most Sundays our worship services are at 8:00 am in the Micah Chapel and 10:00 am in the Meetinghouse and livestreamed (and are also available for viewing later).

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