Lay Preacher: Tim Kay
Worship Leader: Kate VanDerzee-Glidden, Resilience and Strength
Director of Music Ministries: Angela Salcedo
Music: Cheryl Gaudette, Singer/Songwriter; Nicole Struth, Soprano
Dear Friends,
Each week on the bulletin cover for our Sunday worship service, there are quotes to inspire and comfort us. This week our lay preacher, Tim Kay, picked them, and they remind us of the importance of planting seeds of faith each day, serving others with our God-given gifts and creating a community where we all belong.
A life of significance is about serving those who need your gifts, your leadership, your purpose.
- Kevin Hall, author of Aspire
When you serve others in any way, you are actually serving God.
- Pastor Rick Warren
Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.
- Maya Angelou
We hope you will worship with us this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Meetinghouse or online. The service will have inspiring music, reflections, prayers and a baptism. We have Church School and childcare available and will gather for a time of lemonade and fellowship after the service.
The bulletin, large print bulletin and announcement slides are available above. You can watch any of our livestreamed or recorded services on our YouTube channel.
As the days of summer wind down, I’m reminded again and again of the importance of being part of community where we focus on faith, hope and love.
Our First Church family of faith enjoys worshipping together, and we hope you will join us! Our Sunday worship services are at 9:00 am in the Meetinghouse and livestreamed (and are also available for viewing later).