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Letter from the Pastor
Dear Friends,
Throughout my childhood, I loved playing sports, especially softball. Just recently I was thinking about the call and response cheers we used to say. The leader said something and the rest of the team responded. I used to love cheering for my teammates and hearing them cheer for me.
As faithful people, we are called to cheer for our fellow travelers in life, and we are also called to respond to what Jesus says as our leader. Sometimes we respond by using our words, sometimes our actions, but always our hearts.
Feed the hungry.
Visit the lonely.
Welcome the children.
Speak the truth in love.
Welcome and affirm all people.
Our First Church team gathers each week to worship, and this Sunday we are blessed to have Pastor Emeritus David Taylor preaching. We worship together at 8:00 a.m. in the Micah Chapel, 10:00 a.m. in the Meetinghouse or online. Join us!
In the coming days and weeks, let us always remember to cheer for one another and to respond to Jesus’ words of hope, love and acceptance.