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Be a Friend of the Concert Series

One of the historic traditions of our church is that all events held in the Meetinghouse are offered to the community for a voluntary minimal fee. However, the cost of bringing you such fine quality programs cannot be borne by these offerings alone! Your tax-deductible donation will allow us to continue to bring you the artistry to which you have become accustomed, and we will add your name to the ever-growing list of Friends of the Concert Series. As a Friend giving $75, you will receive a ticket to each performance

which may be presented at the door in place of a donation or offering. Sponsors ($150) will receive two such tickets and Benefactors ($250) will receive four tickets per concert. We accept gifts of any amount and all contributors are acknowledged in the concert programs.

Make checks payable to “First Church” with “Concert Series” in the memo and place them in the offering plate or mail them to:

Friends of the Concert Series

First Church of Christ, 2183 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033


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