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Now Available on YouTube: Children's Celebration Sunday Worship Service

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

  • Worship Leaders: Our children, Kate VanDerzee-Glidden and Faith Ferrall

  • Music: Cherub Choir, Peggy Hartman, Director; Curtis Ferrall and Jordyn Schmidt, Soloists; Dr. Angela Salcedo, Director of Music Ministries

Dear Friends,

I often think about my childhood church with a grateful heart. I was blessed with a strong and faithful church community where I could be my quirky self, and I knew I was loved. At First Church, we try to create a community where all children of God know they are valued and loved.

This Sunday is Children’s Celebration Sunday, and our children will lead our worship service! We are grateful for our insightful, enthusiastic and caring children. Some might say, “Oh, our kids are leading worship, I don’t need to go…” Don’t be one of those people! 😊 It will be joyful and inspiring, and I guarantee you will smile a lot knowing that our church is alive with God’s Spirit and love!

During the service, we will bless our stuffed animals, so we invite you to bring them to church. This is our final church school mission project fundraiser (suggested donation of $5) to support food pantries in the Middletown Public Schools through St. Vincent de Paul. We are also collecting diapers and wipes for families in need in the Narthex (June 9) and the back lobby (through June 16).

After the service, we have an Ice Cream Social and Baby Sprinkle where we get to celebrate with Andrew and Rachel as they wait for their child to be born later this summer. Then we hope you will visit us at Glastonbury’s first ever Pride Festival! Our church is one of the sponsors of the festival, and faithful church volunteers and your pastors will be at our table from 3:00-7:00 p.m. on Hubbard Green. First Church is proud to be an open, welcoming and affirming congregation!

Below you will see a prayer that one of our children (who is now a young adult) wrote years ago. May we always have grateful hearts…

With grateful hearts, we thank you God for all our blessings!

For sunshine, ice cream and summer break.

For flowers, rain and life-giving soil.

For beautiful pictures, yummy food and loving church people.

For fun games and inspiring stories from the Bible.

For a church who loves and affirms all people.   

For God’s endless love and grace.

Thank you, God! Amen.     

We hope you can join us for worship on Sunday at at 10:00 a.m. in the Meetinghouse or livestreamed. We can't wait to see you there!

You can watch any of our recorded services on our YouTube channel.

With love and gratitude,


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