Alison Courture has been involved in teaching Church School, participating in our Mother’s of Faith in Action group, hosting families at church for Family Promise of Central Connecticut (supporting those experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity), baking cookies for Mobile Foodshare, and serving as Chairperson on the Board of Children's Ministries. Their family has enjoyed building new friendships through the Harvest Supper, Homecoming picnics, Bloomfield Backpack Project, and First Church Outside hiking groups. Their children love Church School and Choir at First Church. They look forward to our Messy Church events during the Advent and Lenten seasons, and have a great time each summer during Vacation Bible School.
She loves our church’s commitment to giving back to the community and making our world a better place.
"This church truly offers something for everyone at every stage and strives to meet each individual where they are in life and on their faith journey. It is easy to say ‘welcoming, open, affirming,’ but our pastors and each member of this church family truly live into that promise in their actions, both great and small."
She is grateful for the sense of community and family at First Church!
For Alison, three words to describe First Church are: Vibrant…Welcoming…Community-focused.