Incontinence Products
Carol’s Closet, the paper pantry in town, especially needs men’s and women's incontinence pads in addition to all the other usual toiletries and paper products – toilet paper (4-packs or individually wrapped rolls), paper towels (individually wrapped rolls), tissues, bar soap (individually wrapped or 2-pack) and shampoo (standard size). Please place your donated items in the Carol’s Closet box in the back lobby of the church. Please contact Suzanne Schwartz with any questions at 860-490-7336.
IRIS is looking for donations of regular size twin and full size sheets (new or like new) for their refugee assistance efforts. We have a collection basket in the back lobby through September 28. If you have questions, please contact Nicole Struth at nicole@glastonburyfirst.org.
Our September Food Collection of instant potatoes, chili, canned pasta, canned vegetables and other items will support Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC). Items can be dropped off in the back lobby or in the Narthex. If you have questions, please contact Susan Lambert at sjlambert22@gmail.com.