Why First Church?

Welcome to First Church in Glastonbury, Connecticut! We are an Open, Welcoming and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We welcome all in our community no matter your faith background, your ethnicity, who you love, where you grew up, how much money you have or the color of your skin. We proclaim that each person is valuable, loved and essential. We worship together every Sunday at 10:00 am in our Meetinghouse and online. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcomed and affirmed!
Mission + Service
Creating a thriving community involves taking care of each other and the world. For over 330 years, First Church of Christ, Glastonbury has joyfully engaged in a mission to share God’s love near and far! We collect and deliver food, tutor Hartford and East Hartford school children, welcome refugees, hammer nails and paint walls, work for social justice, donate money and time and find new ways to live out our faith and share God’s love near and far. Come join us as we share love, justice and hope in the world!

Something for Everyone
Come to First Church to worship, learn, serve, be in fellowship and have fun together! At First Church, there are many opportunities to connect in both small and large groups for people of all ages. We love our children, youth, adults and elders, and together we sing, pray, learn, serve, knit and follow the path of love.