Youth Mission Trip Permission Form
By filling the fields below, you are agreeing to the following Mission Trip participant terms:
I accept my role as a representative of First Church and the UCC and agree to hold myself to high standards of professional conduct. I understand that my actions associated with this activity are governed by our group Covenant. I also understand that I am responsible for holding myself and others accountable to the Covenant.
I agree to fulfill my commitment to the program. I will attempt to participate in all activities for which I am physically and emotionally able. If I am unable to be present for my scheduled time, I will notify the trip leaders in advance.
I agree to attend pre-service and post-service fundraising/orientation/training/reflection sessions in order to (a) learn about the agency/clients that I’ll be serving, (b) develop positive working relationships and build community with other participants, (c) understand the relevant social issues, and (d) acquire necessary skills to prevent harm to myself and others. If I cannot attend, I will notify the trip leaders in advance and schedule a make-up time or make-up work. I will complete all assigned make-up work.
I agree to follow the instructions, policies, or procedures set by the designated trip leaders, advisors and/or community partners, and I agree to comply with all reasonable directions and instructions.
​This includes, but is not limited to, attendance at mission focused SHF meetings, sale of three (3) shares to contribute to the general trip expenses, participation in the mission trip commissioning, attendance at the pre-trip event, and participation in the mission trip-led worship service. All dates and additional information is detailed on the Mission Trip Brief.
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I agree to stay with the group at all times during the experience.
I will respect the cultural, social, economic, spiritual, and other backgrounds of the program’s participants, clients, and communities.
I understand it is my responsibility to communicate with my trip leaders and/or advisors concerning problems that arise or ideas concerning the improvement of the program.
I will keep any personal or sensitive information related to this program, or the partner agency and its clients, confidential.
I understand that any action I take in violation of the instructions, policies or procedures set by the trip leaders, advisors or community partners may cause my immediate removal from the program and that all subsequent travel arrangements will be made at my own expense.
I understand that photographs and/or filming may take place during my participation in the program. I agree to allow First Church to use photos or footage obtained during my involvement in the experience for promotional or archival activities.
I acknowledge that I am releasing my medical and emergency contact information for the disclosure to, and only to, appropriate trip leaders and advisors and this information will only be used in the event of an emergency.
I have read and understood this document and agree to abide by its terms.